All-White Everything

how to wear white jeans

how to wear white jeans

how to wear a white blazer

how to wear white jeans

white jeans white bag

Tibi blazer, Helmut Lang top, Alexander Wang Prisma Tote ( silicone version here), Ever jeans, Ray-Ban aviators, Loeffler Randall sandals (similar)

Crisp whites, winter white, whatever they’re called these days — I think  the fresh palette is now embraced by all year-round. The look does require some fearlessness in the face of spaghetti, inky pens and bus seats, among other things. But courage is a virtue, right?

I do love a clean, white outfit — and I’ve been pretty good about documenting all my favorites. So if you’re in the mood for some more “how to wear white” inspo, head on over.

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